Returns and refund

The most important thing is that you are 100% satisfied with your order. We don't just say this, we really mean it. Without our satisfied customers we would not be able to continue to do what our passion is: offering great products that you as a biker - man or woman - would like to have in your possession.

So if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, let us know and we will do everything to make it right. This is possible if:

  • You want to return your purchased product within 14 days for a full refund (minus shipping costs);
  • You want a free replacement if your purchased product is damaged during transport;
  • You would like a partial refund because the product is not what you expected, but would like to keep; or

Anything else that we must do to ensure that you have a fantastic experience with The Bikers Corner and that you will be 100% satisfied!

You can contact us here by filling in the form. We will contact you as soon as possible!

Oh yes, below is the boring version that our lawyer demands we mention.

Returns and refunds can only be made within 14 days. When 14 days have passed since your purchase, we unfortunately cannot offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for an exchange or a return shipment, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

To complete your return, we need a receipt or proof of purchase. Do not send your purchase back to us without first contacting us via this form to receive return instructions.

No refund is given for products that are not in their original condition, damaged or incomplete for reasons not attributable to us and also for products that are returned more than 14 days after delivery.


Once your return has been received and checked, we will send you an e-mail informing that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. Once your request is approved, the original purchase amount will be refunded.

Late or missing refunds

If you have not received a timely refund, first check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company, as it may take some time before your refund is officially booked. Then contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted. If you have done all this and you have not yet received a refund, please contact us and we will see if and how we can still come to a solution.


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged and this happened during transport. Therefore, immediately after receipt, contact us via this form.

Return shipment

You are responsible for paying your own shipping costs for returning your item. If you receive a refund, the costs of return shipment (if necessary) will be deducted from your refund.

If you return products with a high value we recommend that you take out shipping insurance and / or Track & Trace before shipment. The costs are for your account. Finally, we accept no liability if your return shipment is not received by us.

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Blood makes you related, Loyalty makes you family

The Bikers Corner
The Bikers Code

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